GensoKishi Metaverse
GensoKishi Metaverse is a GameFi for Nintendo Switch/PS4 called "Elemental Knights Online", which has been actively played for 13 years.
News about GensoKishi Metaverse
26 Jan 2023, 11:45
Currently, upon purchasing from the new store UI and the Dragon Coin Store, the guard value is displayed as 0.
Please note this bug only affects the display and does not affect the status of the equipment.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause!
Currently, upon purchasing from the new store UI and the Dragon Coin Store, the guard value is displayed as 0.Currently, upon purchasing from the new store UI and the Dragon Coin Store, the guard value is displayed as 0.
Please note this bug only affects the display and does not affect the status of the equipment.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause!
26 Jan 2023, 08:44
RT @JpCointelegraph: 元素騎士オンライン(@genso_meta )のLANDセールをNFTマーケットプレイス@tofuNFTにて2月1日より開始🌐
✅発売日: 2023年2月1日 18時(JST)…
RT @JpCointelegraph: 元素騎士オンライン(@genso_meta )のLANDセールをNFTマーケットプレイス@tofuNFTにて2月1日より開始. 発売日: 2023年2月1日 18時(JST)….RT @JpCointelegraph: 元素騎士オンライン(@genso_meta )のLANDセールをNFTマーケットプレイス@tofuNFTにて2月1日より開始🌐
✅発売日: 2023年2月1日 18時(JST)…
26 Jan 2023, 06:55
RT @dearseki: #GENSO #GensoKishi is under a big update maintenance and will come back with some NEW UI and better TOKEN/NFT import/export f…
RT @dearseki: #GENSO #GensoKishi is under a big update maintenance and will come back with some NEW UI and better TOKEN/NFT impoRT @dearseki: #GENSO #GensoKishi is under a big update maintenance and will come back with some NEW UI and better TOKEN/NFT import/export f…
26 Jan 2023, 03:55
We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
The problem that prevented the export of NFT and ROND data, which had been occurring since January 25, 2023, has been resolved.
We will be taking individual measures for those who exported during the outage and have not been able to complete the export process.
・ The export screen is always displayed and neither importing nor exporting can be performed.
・ ROND has already been received, but the export screen is not completed.
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, please send an e-mail to user-support@genso.game.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused.We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
The problem that prevented the export of NFT and ROND data, which had been occurring since January 25, 2023, has been resolved.
We will be taking individual measures for those who exported during the outage and have not been able to complete the export process.
・ The export screen is always displayed and neither importing nor exporting can be performed.
・ ROND has already been received, but the export screen is not completed.
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, please send an e-mail to user-support@genso.game.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
25 Jan 2023, 11:09
25 Jan 2023, 06:30
RT @hereforculture_: Joining YDF to discuss NFT trends alongside @beijingdou @_jeffnicholas_ @IcedKnife @El_Crypto_Chapo @asimplenoochie
RT @hereforculture_: Joining YDF to discuss NFT trends alongside @beijingdou @_jeffnicholas_ @IcedKnife @El_Crypto_Chapo @asimplRT @hereforculture_: Joining YDF to discuss NFT trends alongside @beijingdou @_jeffnicholas_ @IcedKnife @El_Crypto_Chapo @asimplenoochie
25 Jan 2023, 05:19
RT @P2ENewsOfficial: 🎮 @genso_meta announces its 2nd Design Idea Competition! Open to all designers and creators, this is your chance to br…
RT @P2ENewsOfficial: @genso_meta announces its 2nd Design Idea Competition.RT @P2ENewsOfficial: 🎮 @genso_meta announces its 2nd Design Idea Competition! Open to all designers and creators, this is your chance to br…
24 Jan 2023, 09:05
RT @tofuNFT: @genso_meta and tofuNFT will take place NFT SALE!🔥
You will be able to purchase LAND NFTs on Genso Metaverse!
- Date: 1st Feb.…
RT @tofuNFT: @genso_meta and tofuNFT will take place NFT SALE. You will be able to purchase LAND NFTs on Genso Metaverse.RT @tofuNFT: @genso_meta and tofuNFT will take place NFT SALE!🔥
You will be able to purchase LAND NFTs on Genso Metaverse!
- Date: 1st Feb.…
24 Jan 2023, 04:36
RT @zaifdotjp: 【Zaif × 元素騎士】パートナーシップ締結!!
この度、Zaifは元素騎士オンライン @genso_metaとのパートナーシップを締結いたしました。
RT @zaifdotjp: 【Zaif × 元素騎士】パートナーシップ締結. この度、Zaifは元素騎士オンライン @genso_metaとのパートナーシップを締結いたしました。. 両社でのシナジーを活かした様々な取り組みを展開していく予定です.RT @zaifdotjp: 【Zaif × 元素騎士】パートナーシップ締結!!
この度、Zaifは元素騎士オンライン @genso_metaとのパートナーシップを締結いたしました。
24 Jan 2023, 04:04
GENSO is partnering with @zaifdotjp ‼️‼️
GENSO is partnering with @zaifdotjp ‼️‼️
https://t.co/8B8Tdy5IQw https://t.co/q5CMhpI89L
24 Jan 2023, 02:53
Our 2nd Design Idea Competition🎨
The grand prize will be dropped as a surprise NFT for MV stakers and will come to life in the Genso Metaverse!🏰
🥇1 Grand Prize: Design is adopted + Designer's name is engraved + that NFT
🥈7 Others: above NFT
When: 🗓️
1/20 - 2/9 14:59 UTC+0
右手ベース装備のデザインコンテストですが、現在50を超える作品をご応募いただいております. ありがとうございます. 引き続き皆さまからのデザインを募集しております. ご応募は何度でも可能です. よろしくお願いいたします.右手ベース装備のデザインコンテストですが、現在50を超える作品をご応募いただいております!ありがとうございます🙇♂️
引き続き皆さまからのデザインを募集しております!ご応募は何度でも可能です!よろしくお願いいたします🙇♂️ https://t.co/t1Zpoq39Wb https://t.co/LVdSDD6KLJ
Our 2nd Design Idea Competition🎨
The grand prize will be dropped as a surprise NFT for MV stakers and will come to life in the Genso Metaverse!🏰
🥇1 Grand Prize: Design is adopted + Designer's name is engraved + that NFT
🥈7 Others: above NFT
When: 🗓️
1/20 - 2/9 14:59 UTC+0 https://t.co/xTpaPZy2Ct
23 Jan 2023, 16:43
Genso is joining the Magic Eden team, riding the purple wave.
Oh yes! Loving it🙌 Join us for the session tomorrow, from the link below :):)
Join us & @BoomLandGames tomorrow to talk with buildooors in the Polygon ecosystem! ⚡️
Genso is joining the Magic Eden team, riding the purple wave. Oh yes.Genso is joining the Magic Eden team, riding the purple wave.
Oh yes! Loving it🙌 Join us for the session tomorrow, from the link below :):) https://t.co/qHqxXeWy3E
Join us & @BoomLandGames tomorrow to talk with buildooors in the Polygon ecosystem! ⚡️
23 Jan 2023, 09:05
GENSO is partnering with @tofuNFT!!🎉
is the largest multichain NFT marketplace, live on 30+ EVM-compatible public chains, focused on Gaming NFTs.
GENSO is partnering with @tofuNFT!!🎉
https://t.co/zyHy8gcy1u is the largest multichain NFT marketplace, live on 30+ EVM-compatible public chains, focused on Gaming NFTs. https://t.co/cDx3CUbF7h
22 Jan 2023, 11:40
Blessed to see the Legend killing it with boss @SprakyYGG!!
Watch the full video here🤍
Blessed to see the Legend killing it with boss @SprakyYGG. Watch the full video here.Blessed to see the Legend killing it with boss @SprakyYGG!!
Watch the full video here🤍
https://t.co/78CraeWYGk https://t.co/bJxTAaeVuA
22 Jan 2023, 09:54
RT @SprakyYGG: @genso_meta Dragon Tower run
RT @SprakyYGG: @genso_meta Dragon Tower run.RT @SprakyYGG: @genso_meta Dragon Tower run
https://t.co/S6JP6njeRu https://t.co/KrmihqHSlR
22 Jan 2023, 08:22
RT @dearseki: 大年初一。兔年行大運!祝福所有的朋友們今年都能事事順心,心想事成。元素騎士團隊祝福大家新年快樂🐰!
The 1st day of Rabbit Year #CNY, we wish everyone a wonderful year and a l…
RT @dearseki: 大年初一。兔年行大運. 祝福所有的朋友們今年都能事事順心,心想事成。元素騎士團隊祝福大家新年快樂.RT @dearseki: 大年初一。兔年行大運!祝福所有的朋友們今年都能事事順心,心想事成。元素騎士團隊祝福大家新年快樂🐰!
The 1st day of Rabbit Year #CNY, we wish everyone a wonderful year and a l…
21 Jan 2023, 12:02
RT @genso_elizabeth: 右手武器デザイン考えてみました😁
ドラゴンキラー「Dragon Killer」
#gensokishi #GensokishiNFT htt…
RT @genso_elizabeth: 右手武器デザイン考えてみました. ドラゴンタワーが実装されたということで、禍々しい感じのソードを. ありふれた名前ですが・・. ドラゴンキラー「Dragon Killer」.RT @genso_elizabeth: 右手武器デザイン考えてみました😁
ドラゴンキラー「Dragon Killer」
#gensokishi #GensokishiNFT htt…
21 Jan 2023, 11:12
RT @Crypto33Miggy: @hereforculture_ @genso_meta Check out our squad!✊🫡
In order left to right:
@LtcYeti Ogre - @GamerGi84370237 Jewel -@…
RT @Crypto33Miggy: @hereforculture_ @genso_meta Check out our squad. In order left to right:.RT @Crypto33Miggy: @hereforculture_ @genso_meta Check out our squad!✊🫡
In order left to right:
@LtcYeti Ogre - @GamerGi84370237 Jewel -@…
21 Jan 2023, 09:29
RT @Crypto33Miggy: Degenin' out on @genso_meta 😻 Miggysan Salute! @LtcYeti
Snapshot using genso-cam😋
RT @Crypto33Miggy: Degenin' out on @genso_meta Miggysan Salute. @LtcYeti. Snapshot using genso-cam.RT @Crypto33Miggy: Degenin' out on @genso_meta 😻 Miggysan Salute! @LtcYeti
Snapshot using genso-cam😋 https://t.co/42G7SzKITL
21 Jan 2023, 08:02
Happy weekend Knights! Who’s playing Genso? 🧘♀️💜
Unbothered. Moisturized. Happy. In My Lane. Focused. Flourishing. Playing Genso.
Happy weekend Knights. Who's playing Genso. Unbothered. Moisturized. Happy. In My Lane. Focused. Flourishing.Happy weekend Knights! Who’s playing Genso? 🧘♀️💜 https://t.co/KBaprIVJBl
Unbothered. Moisturized. Happy. In My Lane. Focused. Flourishing. Playing Genso.
#元素騎士 https://t.co/qvdK9vAYI5
20 Jan 2023, 11:23
Hi everyone,
Some important bits to know about our latest marketplace update:
⚔️Rare Treasure Boxes can now be purchased with ROND
⚔️Stats are now available for all NFT items!!! Something I know all of you have been looking forward to 💜
Please npte: NFTs that have never been imported into the game will have empty parameters.
Hi everyone,. Some important bits to know about our latest marketplace update:.Hi everyone,
Some important bits to know about our latest marketplace update:
⚔️Rare Treasure Boxes can now be purchased with ROND
⚔️Stats are now available for all NFT items!!! Something I know all of you have been looking forward to 💜
Please npte: NFTs that have never been imported into the game will have empty parameters.
20 Jan 2023, 11:05
Genso is now officially on @XTexchange!
#NFTCommunity #onPolygon #BlockchainGaming #元素騎士 #MetaverseNFT
Genso is now officially on @XTexchange. #NFTCommunity #onPolygon #BlockchainGaming #元素騎士 #MetaverseNFT.Genso is now officially on @XTexchange!
#NFTCommunity #onPolygon #BlockchainGaming #元素騎士 #MetaverseNFT
19 Jan 2023, 13:51
RT @Crypto33Miggy: The #AltairaGameKnights have joined the @genso_meta fam 😹✌️💞
@DougHype @LtcYeti
RT @Crypto33Miggy: The #AltairaGameKnights have joined the @genso_meta fam. (1/3). @DougHype @LtcYeti.RT @Crypto33Miggy: The #AltairaGameKnights have joined the @genso_meta fam 😹✌️💞
@DougHype @LtcYeti https://t.co/tBe4zoGTbY
19 Jan 2023, 11:03
You can listen to the discussion with @aavegotchi at the link ⬇️ Tune in to hear more about NFT wearables, trends in the space and a whole lot more!
You can listen to the discussion with @aavegotchi at the link Tune in to hear more about NFT wearables, trends in the space andYou can listen to the discussion with @aavegotchi at the link ⬇️ Tune in to hear more about NFT wearables, trends in the space and a whole lot more!
18 Jan 2023, 16:33
RT @aavegotchi: 😎 DRESS TO IMPRESS 😎
We're talking NFT Wearables at 9pm EST / 2am UTC with our frens @genso_meta, @SWAGGA_Meta, & @Powere…
RT @aavegotchi: DRESS TO IMPRESS.RT @aavegotchi: 😎 DRESS TO IMPRESS 😎
We're talking NFT Wearables at 9pm EST / 2am UTC with our frens @genso_meta, @SWAGGA_Meta, & @Powere…
18 Jan 2023, 07:21
RT @dearseki: 台灣的遊戲直播主 關關 第一次開播就選擇【元素騎士】~大家來看看她怎麼進入遊戲元宇宙的吧?
#元素騎士 #GENSO #GameFi #NFT #Metaverse #GensoKishi
RT @dearseki: 台灣的遊戲直播主 關關 第一次開播就選擇【元素騎士】~大家來看看她怎麼進入遊戲元宇宙的吧. #元素騎士 #GENSO #GameFi #NFT #Metaverse #GensoKishi.RT @dearseki: 台灣的遊戲直播主 關關 第一次開播就選擇【元素騎士】~大家來看看她怎麼進入遊戲元宇宙的吧?
#元素騎士 #GENSO #GameFi #NFT #Metaverse #GensoKishi
18 Jan 2023, 06:52
RT @Crypto33Miggy: Altairan Game Knights! Come play with us - @genso_meta online #RPG #Gaming #Blockchaingames @playaltaira #GameKnights ht…
RT @Crypto33Miggy: Altairan Game Knights.RT @Crypto33Miggy: Altairan Game Knights! Come play with us - @genso_meta online #RPG #Gaming #Blockchaingames @playaltaira #GameKnights ht…
18 Jan 2023, 02:31
RT @j2_blockchain: 【元素騎士土地售罄更新】元素騎士土地解說、收益可能說明!期待後續Genso Kishi發展!再次恭喜元素騎士!@genso_meta
#Gensokishi #元素騎士
RT @j2_blockchain: 【元素騎士土地售罄更新】元素騎士土地解說、收益可能說明. 期待後續Genso Kishi發展. 再次恭喜元素騎士. @genso_meta. #Gensokishi #元素騎士.RT @j2_blockchain: 【元素騎士土地售罄更新】元素騎士土地解說、收益可能說明!期待後續Genso Kishi發展!再次恭喜元素騎士!@genso_meta
#Gensokishi #元素騎士
17 Jan 2023, 14:49
RT @PlayAltaira: Who will squad up with our Alpha Knights?!
@TQ_Games @doughype @AltMomTrades
Join us 🎙 https://t.co/a…
RT @PlayAltaira: Who will squad up with our Alpha Knights. @TQ_Games @doughype @AltMomTrades. Join us.RT @PlayAltaira: Who will squad up with our Alpha Knights?!
@TQ_Games @doughype @AltMomTrades
Join us 🎙 https://t.co/a…
17 Jan 2023, 13:03
📣 New Partnership Announcement: Gensokishi x @gategameplay 📣
Stay tuned for more information and updates on the exciting new features that will be made possible through this partnership and as always, thank you for your support!💜
#onPolygon #元素騎士
New Partnership Announcement: Gensokishi x @gategameplay.📣 New Partnership Announcement: Gensokishi x @gategameplay 📣
Stay tuned for more information and updates on the exciting new features that will be made possible through this partnership and as always, thank you for your support!💜
#onPolygon #元素騎士
17 Jan 2023, 12:34
RT @gategameplay: 📢 Partner Announcement:
@gategameplay x @genso_meta
🤝Welcome our strategic partnership with #GensokishiOnline
📌Let's wai…
RT @gategameplay: Partner Announcement:. @gategameplay x @genso_meta. Welcome our strategic partnership with #GensokishiOnline.RT @gategameplay: 📢 Partner Announcement:
@gategameplay x @genso_meta
🤝Welcome our strategic partnership with #GensokishiOnline
📌Let's wai…
17 Jan 2023, 11:29
RT @adlib94630911: Looking forward to the update!😆
I want more content that everyone can cooperate and enjoy!
#Gensokishi https://t.c…
RT @adlib94630911: Looking forward to the update. I want more content that everyone can cooperate and enjoy. #元素騎士.RT @adlib94630911: Looking forward to the update!😆
I want more content that everyone can cooperate and enjoy!
#Gensokishi https://t.c…
16 Jan 2023, 15:01
RT @dearseki: After the success of #GENSO's LAND sale. We'd like to review again of what we are building. A 14 year history game based #Met…
RT @dearseki: After the success of #GENSO's LAND sale. We'd like to review again of what we are building.RT @dearseki: After the success of #GENSO's LAND sale. We'd like to review again of what we are building. A 14 year history game based #Met…
16 Jan 2023, 09:27
RT @SkyMetaGaming: 🎙️Winners for AMA w/ Gensokishi 🥳
Congratulations! 💸🤑
Thank you to those who tuned in 👋Please check your private messa…
RT @SkyMetaGaming: Winners for AMA w/ Gensokishi. Congratulations.RT @SkyMetaGaming: 🎙️Winners for AMA w/ Gensokishi 🥳
Congratulations! 💸🤑
Thank you to those who tuned in 👋Please check your private messa…
16 Jan 2023, 08:09
Dear Knights
Recently, there have been many reports of BOT accounts detected. The GensoKishi admin team has been using BOT detection tools and banning accounts as needed.
Going forward, please use the form below to report suspicious and bot activity:
BOT Accounts Reporting Form
(Form can also be found on the website)
⚔️ We will be considering various actions, including legal proceedings for accounts in violation of our guidelines.
⚔️ GensoKishi strictly prohibits any behavior in violation of the Terms of Service that may hinder users from enjoying the game.
Thank you for your cooperation and support! ❤️
Dear Knights. Recently, there have been many reports of BOT accounts detected.Dear Knights
Recently, there have been many reports of BOT accounts detected. The GensoKishi admin team has been using BOT detection tools and banning accounts as needed.
Going forward, please use the form below to report suspicious and bot activity:
BOT Accounts Reporting Form
(Form can also be found on the website)
⚔️ We will be considering various actions, including legal proceedings for accounts in violation of our guidelines.
⚔️ GensoKishi strictly prohibits any behavior in violation of the Terms of Service that may hinder users from enjoying the game.
Thank you for your cooperation and support! ❤️
16 Jan 2023, 07:44
RT @Crypto33Miggy: Hey gamers who wants to play some @genso_meta on Tuesday w/ the @PlayAltaira #GameKnights?!?!
I'll be checking it out f…
RT @Crypto33Miggy: Hey gamers who wants to play some @genso_meta on Tuesday w/ the @PlayAltaira #GameKnights.RT @Crypto33Miggy: Hey gamers who wants to play some @genso_meta on Tuesday w/ the @PlayAltaira #GameKnights?!?!
I'll be checking it out f…
15 Jan 2023, 18:51
RT @emifjk963: 昨日はX2Eナイツ騎士団youtube配信でバフ配り祭り❗️
RT @emifjk963: 昨日はX2Eナイツ騎士団youtube配信でバフ配り祭り️. コルキアにいた皆様にバフを掛けまくると言う企画でしたが、配れるバフがあるのが羨ましい限りです。.RT @emifjk963: 昨日はX2Eナイツ騎士団youtube配信でバフ配り祭り❗️
15 Jan 2023, 14:54
RT @kitagawagenki: 彦根党ロゴが決まりました!元素騎士チームデザインで元気の政治理念「未来の子どもの笑顔のために」バージョンです😁めっちゃええやんw
#元素騎士 #彦根党 #地域政党
RT @kitagawagenki: 彦根党ロゴが決まりました. 元素騎士チームデザインで元気の政治理念「未来の子どもの笑顔のために」バージョンですめっちゃええやんw. #元素騎士 #彦根党 #地域政党.RT @kitagawagenki: 彦根党ロゴが決まりました!元素騎士チームデザインで元気の政治理念「未来の子どもの笑顔のために」バージョンです😁めっちゃええやんw
#元素騎士 #彦根党 #地域政党 https://t.co/6CZJFwradW
15 Jan 2023, 11:44
RT @SprakyYGG: Streaming @genso_meta with GensoKishi Celebrety Ricardo the Lion Head! #gensoph
RT @SprakyYGG: Streaming @genso_meta with GensoKishi Celebrety Ricardo the Lion Head. #gensoph.RT @SprakyYGG: Streaming @genso_meta with GensoKishi Celebrety Ricardo the Lion Head! #gensoph https://t.co/27ZeyxiDWQ
15 Jan 2023, 08:21
RT @genso_elizabeth: 私のLANDは、とりあえずこんな感じでいいかな😁
#genso #gensokishi #元素騎士 #エリザベスLAN…
RT @genso_elizabeth: 私のLANDは、とりあえずこんな感じでいいかな. ・・・準備だけは早いんだw. 同じ趣味趣向の方近くに来て―. ガラ空きなんでw. ・・・何なら買い占めてくれても.RT @genso_elizabeth: 私のLANDは、とりあえずこんな感じでいいかな😁
#genso #gensokishi #元素騎士 #エリザベスLAN…
14 Jan 2023, 13:02
RT @CryptoGlasgow1: Let’s go Genso 💪🚀
RT @CryptoGlasgow1: Let's go Genso. @genso_meta.RT @CryptoGlasgow1: Let’s go Genso 💪🚀
14 Jan 2023, 12:36
RT @CryptoSlate: #PR: GensoKishi LAND has sold out
RT @CryptoSlate: #PR: GensoKishi LAND has sold out. @genso_meta.RT @CryptoSlate: #PR: GensoKishi LAND has sold out
14 Jan 2023, 11:49
Our LAND presale was a BIG success!🎉
We feel blessed to witness the🔥while the market surges📈
Important LAND plots gone in hours😇
See you again in our next sales!!
Our LAND presale was a BIG success. We feel blessed to witness thewhile the market surges. Important LAND plots gone in hours.Our LAND presale was a BIG success!🎉
We feel blessed to witness the🔥while the market surges📈
Important LAND plots gone in hours😇
See you again in our next sales!!
14 Jan 2023, 10:07
RT @hereforculture_: Got that @genso_meta LAND fomo?
Don't worry, a 2nd round is coming up ...👇🏻
RT @hereforculture_: Got that @genso_meta LAND fomo. Don't worry, a 2nd round is coming up .RT @hereforculture_: Got that @genso_meta LAND fomo?
Don't worry, a 2nd round is coming up ...👇🏻
14 Jan 2023, 09:18
13 Jan 2023, 14:36
We have just welcomed Kingdomverse and Aavegotchi as Genso Land owners!
We have just welcomed Kingdomverse and Aavegotchi as Genso Land owners.We have just welcomed Kingdomverse and Aavegotchi as Genso Land owners!
13 Jan 2023, 08:46
New Genso Promo Video!
Make sure to ❤️ and RT as well 🙏🏻
New Genso Promo Video. Make sure to and RT as well.New Genso Promo Video!
Make sure to ❤️ and RT as well 🙏🏻
12 Jan 2023, 10:15
It's almost time .... ⚔️💜
It's almost time .It's almost time .... ⚔️💜
11 Jan 2023, 16:18
Dear Knights,
We have identified malicious game-exploiting behaviours in the Genso community, such as using game plug-ins or illegal plug-ins, exploiting loopholes to obtain game revenue, illegally modifying client files, and using unofficial game clients.
We want to remind those players that we will permanently ban their accounts as soon as we confirm the exploit. We urge all players to carefully manage their account security to prevent accounts and asset losses.
If you are among these users and have commited the above mentioned violations, you will be banned from the Genso ecosystem permanently. Once this happens, you will not be able to withdraw funds or export NFT, resulting in an unnecessary loss of assets.
We sincerely hope players will take note and take necessary actions to avoid anything like this. Thank you for your continued support and participation!
Join us in building a better future for the Elemental Knight Metaverse!
Dear Knights,.Dear Knights,
We have identified malicious game-exploiting behaviours in the Genso community, such as using game plug-ins or illegal plug-ins, exploiting loopholes to obtain game revenue, illegally modifying client files, and using unofficial game clients.
We want to remind those players that we will permanently ban their accounts as soon as we confirm the exploit. We urge all players to carefully manage their account security to prevent accounts and asset losses.
If you are among these users and have commited the above mentioned violations, you will be banned from the Genso ecosystem permanently. Once this happens, you will not be able to withdraw funds or export NFT, resulting in an unnecessary loss of assets.
We sincerely hope players will take note and take necessary actions to avoid anything like this. Thank you for your continued support and participation!
Join us in building a better future for the Elemental Knight Metaverse!
11 Jan 2023, 12:35